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How to crawl YouTube videos via proxy integration with Python
by CoCo

In the digital age, web crawlers and data scraping have become increasingly important. Sometimes, we may want to automatically obtain data from a specific website, such as video information on YouTube.

However, many websites have anti-crawling mechanisms that prevent or limit automated data scraping. In this case, we can use a proxy to solve this problem.

Python is a popular programming language that can be used for a variety of tasks, including scraping YouTube videos. In this article, I will introduce how to use Python to crawl YouTube videos, and attach a code tutorial.

Step 1: Install necessary libraries

First, we need to install two necessary libraries: requests and beautifulsoup4. These two libraries can help us extract data from web pages. You can install these two libraries using the following commands:

pip install requests

pip install beautifulsoup4

Step 2: Get the video web link

Before crawling YouTube videos, we need to obtain the web link of the video. You can open the video you want to grab in your browser and copy the web link. For example, I want to crawl this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ, and the web link I need to copy is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ.

Step Three: Write Python Code

Next, we will write Python code to scrape YouTube videos. First, we import the necessary libraries:

import requests

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

Then, we define a function to get the web page content:

def get_html(url):

response = requests.get(url)

Return response.text

Next, we use the BeautifulSoup library to parse the web page content:

def parse_html(html):

Soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')

Return soup

Now, we can use these two functions to get and parse the content of the video web page:

video_url = 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ'

html = get_html(video_url)

soup = parse_html(html)

Step 4: Extract video information

Before grabbing the video, we need to extract the title and download link of the video. This information can be found in the source code of the web page. We can use the Chrome browser's inspection function to view the source code of the web page. In the source code of the web page, the video title is usually included in the h1 tag, and the download link is located in a variable named "player_response" and "url".

First, we use the find method to get the video title:

title = soup.find('h1').text

Next, we use the find method to get the download link:

player_response = soup.find('script', {'type': 'application/ld+json'}).text

url = player_response.split('"url":"')[1].split('","width"')[0]

Step 5: Download the video

Now that we have the title and download link of the video, we can use Python’s request library to download the video. First, we need to use the urllib library to parse the download link:

import urllib.parse

We can then use the urllib.request.urlretrieve method to download the video:

urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, title + '.mp4')

The complete code looks like this:

import requests

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

import urllib.parse

import urllib.request

def get_html(url):

response = requests.get(url)

Return response.text

def parse_html(html):

Soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')

Return soup

video_url = 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ'

html = get_html(video_url)

soup = parse_html(html)

title = soup.find('h1').text

player_response = soup.find('script', {'type': 'application/ld+json'}).text

url = player_response.split('"url":"')[1].split('","width"')[0]

urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, title + '.mp4')

After running the above code, the video will be downloaded to the same folder as the code file.


Using Python to grab YouTube videos is not complicated. You only need to use requests and the beautifulsoup4 library to obtain and parse the web page content, then extract the video information, and use the urllib library to download the video. Hope this article can help you learn how to scrape YouTube videos using Python.

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